Your Guide to Todays Lunar Rainbow – Nighttime Phenomenon

Check the Moon Phase: Moonbows occur when there's a bright full moon illuminating the sky. Check the moon phase to ensure the moon is nearly full or full for the best chance of seeing a lunar rainbow.

Find a Dark Location: Moonbows are faint and can be easily obscured by light pollution. Choose a location away from city lights, ideally in a rural area or dark sky location, to maximize visibility.

Wait for the Right Conditions: Moonbows are more likely to appear when the moon is low in the sky (less than 42 degrees above the horizon) and there's rain or mist in the air. Keep an eye on weather conditions, especially after a rain shower.

Look Opposite the Moon: Moonbows are formed in the opposite part of the sky from the moon. Position yourself with the moon at your back and look towards the area opposite the moonrise or moonset direction.

Use Your Peripheral Vision: Moonbows are often faint and may appear more vivid when viewed using your peripheral vision rather than staring directly at the spot where it should appear.

Be Patient and Observant: Moonbows can be fleeting and may require patience to spot. Stay still, allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness, and scan the sky for subtle bands of color.

Photographing a Moonbow: If you're interested in capturing a moonbow on camera, use a DSLR with a tripod and long exposure settings.







