1. Tail Wagging: A wagging tail is a universal sign of happiness in dogs. Look for a loose, sweeping wag that indicates excitement and positive emotions.
2. Relaxed Body Language: A happy dog will display relaxed body language. This includes a loose stance, relaxed facial expressions (soft eyes, slightly open mouth), and ears in a natural position (neither pinned back nor forward).
3. Playfulness: Happiness often manifests through playful behavior. A happy dog will engage in play, such as running, chasing toys, or play-bowing.
4. Enthusiastic Eating: A happy dog typically enjoys mealtime and treats with enthusiasm. They have a healthy appetite and eat without hesitation or signs of stress.
5. Affectionate Behavior: Happy dogs seek affection and bonding with their owners. They may cuddle, lean against you, or wag their tail happily when you interact with them.
6. Calm Demeanor: Content dogs exhibit a calm demeanor in various situations. They are not overly anxious, fearful, or aggressive but show relaxation and comfort.
7. Healthy Sleep Patterns: A happy dog sleeps well and comfortably. They have regular sleep patterns, including deep, restful sleep without restlessness or signs of discomfort.